Our partner hotels

Free transportation for all your dental appointments from our partner hotels.

We book your hotel and free transport!

Choose from our recommendation and take advantage of free all time transport: Pick your accommodation from the list on the left and we book your hotel room for the lowest rate available in the season. If you stay at one of our recommended hotels we offer free airport - hotel - clinic transport for your stay.

If you stay at a hotel (or other location) other than our recommendation, we offer airport pickup (to all central addresses), but no transport to the clinic. For your appointments our reception can arrange a taxi pickup at your own cost. You can easily reach the clinic by public transport from any part of the city. For further information please contact our support office.

Our Patient Support Staff are available to answer all your questions, concerns to make your decision easier. Just call us at 1 800 814105.
Or simply send us an e-mail.